First featured in “Theatre book” magazine, an article introducing Sakichi Sato Award 2015 winner in the most six categories
The group is led by playwright Shintaro Ito and produces productions featuring “unique girls”. They have presented their stage productions mainly at theaters in Tokyo, but also in Taipei and other foreign countries. The group also strives to promote its activities to junior and senior high school students by holding its own WS performances, in which professional actors and high school students collaborate on productions under the title of “real high school students vs. fake high school students.
●2016年 東京芸術劇場アトリエイーストにて展示発表した「いきなり魔王」(イトウシンタロウ=企画&シナリオ&ディレクション)でティラノゲームフェス2016準グランプリ[優秀賞]を受賞、同時期に日英ゲーム翻訳コンテスト「LocJAM JAPAN」課題作品にも選抜される。11月に上演した「量子的な彼女」では藤本紗也香が佐藤佐吉演劇賞2016にて「優秀主演女優賞」を受賞
●2014 – “Girls and Arithmetic” received the “HACHIYO Special Award for Best Challenge” and “Excellent Advertising Art Award” at the Sakichi Sato Theatre Festival 2014+ for “Girls and Arithmetic”.
●2015 – Received the “Best Screenplay Award,” “Best Leading Actress Award,” “Best Sound Award,” “Best Lighting Award,” “Best Stage Design Award,” and “Best Advertising Art Design Award” in six categories, the most among all groups, at the Sakichi Sato Theatre Award 2015 for “All About Lolicon,” a story about something more important than freedom of expression, or harmless art.
●2016 – “Ikinari Maou” (planned, scenario, and directed by Shintaro Ito), which was exhibited and presented at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space Atelier East, won the Tyrano Game Fest 2016 Semi-Grand Prix [Excellence Award], and at the same time was selected for the Japanese-English game translation contest “LocJAM JAPAN”. Sayaka Fujimoto won the “Best Leading Actress Award” at the Sakichi Sato Theatre Award 2016 for “Quantum Girlfriend” performed in November.
● Dadaocheng International Arts Festival 2019 (Dadaocheng International Arts Festival at Taipei), “Are you really a girl from the 1920s?” etc.
●2014年、団体名義を正式に「NICE STALKER」として佐藤佐吉演劇祭2014+に参加し「女子と算数」を上演。全てのステージに定員を超える観客が来場し、現在でも再演を望む声が多く聞かれる、ナイスストーカーの代表作となっています。同作で「八洋特別賞 最優秀チャレンジ賞」「優秀宣伝美術賞」を受賞。
●2017年5月に下北沢 駅前劇場に進出し「1999の恋人」を上演、動員記録を更新。また批評家・HEAD代表の佐々木敦氏をゲストに招いたアフタートークイベントも開催。夏秋期には、兵庫県明石市での高校生合同合宿のWS講師、山梨県の高校演劇地区大会にて審査員等、高校演劇界でも活動。
●2019年1月、現役高校生と大人の俳優が、高校演劇界の名作である畑澤聖悟 作「修学旅行」を競演する実験公演「本物高校生vs偽物高校生」を開催。「本物の俳優」が演じる「偽物の高校生」と、現役高校生の演技のどちらが、より「高校生らしいか」を問う企画性が話題となり、チケットは全席完売。教育関係者、および多くのメディアに取り上げられました。9月には多様性とポリティカル・コレクトネスをテーマとした新作長編「暴力先輩」を発表、団体の最高傑作とも評され、「えんぶ」誌上では8ページの特集記事で紹介されました。また10月には台湾の大稻埕国際芸術節(ダダオチェン国際芸術祭in台北)に参加し短編を上演、初の海外進出公演を果たしました。
● In 2014, the group officially changed its name to “NICE STALKER” and participated in the Sakichi Sato Theatre Festival 2014+, performing “Girls and Arithmetic”. The play has become NICE STALKER’s signature work, with audiences exceeding capacity at every stage and many still requesting a repeat performance. The same work won the “HACHIYO Special Award for Best Challenge” and the “Excellent Advertising Art Award.
● In 2015, he held the story-branching play “As God Says 2: Summer Night Dreams Super Express,” in which the audience decides the development of the play by real-time voting from their own smartphones and cell phones. The voting system was developed together with programmers, and after an actual test performance called a beta test performance, the full-length play was performed at Theater Fushikaden. Various projects, including a 1,000,000 yen ticket that multiplied the voting rights by 100 times, attracted attention as an event and were covered by many media, including Theater Book and Theater Guide.
● The 2015 performance “”All About Lolicon,” a story about something more important than freedom of expression, or harmless art.” won six categories at the “Sato Sakichi Theater Award 2015,” the most among all groups that performed at Oji Little Theater at the end of the previous year. The response from the audience was so great that the March 2016 issue of Theater Buku featured a four-page feature article on the production, making it an epoch-making work for the group.
● In 2016 July , the group held an exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre’s Atelier East to showcase the results of its activities to date, and also made its past scripts into open IPs, which attracted much attention. It won the semi-grand prize. In November of the same year, the performance “Quantum Girlfriend” presented a unique work titled “New Honkaku ☆ Science Theatre,” in which the lead actress Sayaka Fujimoto won the “Outstanding Leading Actress Award” at the “Sato Sakichi Theatre Award 2016.
● In 2017 May, the company expanded to Shimokitazawa Ekimae Theatre to perform “1999 no Koibito (Lovers of 1999),” breaking attendance records. It also held an after-talk event with critic and HEAD representative Atsushi Sasaki as a guest. In the summer and fall, he was a WS instructor at a joint camp for high school students in Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture, and a judge at a regional high school theater competition in Yamanashi Prefecture, among other activities in the high school theater world.
● In 2018 August, he performed again at Shimokitazawa The Suzunari with his masterpiece “All About the Pedophile,” a story about what is more important than freedom of expression or harmless art. It broke the record for the highest attendance. The after-talk featuring Taro Yamada, former member of the House of Councillors and representative of the Association for the Protection of Freedom of Expression, was a hot topic of conversation.
● In 2019 January, an experimental performance “Real High School Students vs. Fake High School Students” will be held, in which current high school students and adult actors will perform “Shugaku Ryoko” by Seigo Hatazawa, a masterpiece of the high school theater world. The performance became a topic of discussion because it asked which was more “high school”: the “fake high school” performance by the “real actors” or the performance by the current high school students. In September, “Violent Senpai,” a new feature film about diversity and political correctness, was released and was described as the group’s best work, and was featured in an 8-page feature article in “Enbu” magazine. In October, the group participated in the Dadaocheng International Arts Festival in Taipei, Taiwan, where it performed a short piece, marking its first overseas performance.
● In 2020 April The company’s new full-length work, “Speculative Fiction! which was scheduled to be performed, was suddenly postponed due to the “state of emergency” declared after the Corona disaster. While the date of the postponed performance remained undecided, we held an online event to accept “advance reservations” and suspended performance activities for a time, promising to resume performances with audiences.
● In 2021 December, “Speculative Fiction! which was canceled the previous year, at the same venue and with the same cast and crew. It was the first performance in two years. This performance marked the revival of the group’s creative activities that had been interrupted by the pandemic.
● In September 2022, the theater company staged its first work-in-progress performance of a foreign classic, “A New Translation of ‘Aware She is a Whore’ Work-in-Progress,” in which Shintaro Itoh performed a newly translated version of the play written by John Ford in 17th century England.
お問い合わせはこちら Contact Form
First featured in “Theatre book” magazine, an article introducing Sakichi Sato Award 2015 winner in the most six categories
団体概要 Organization Overview
劇作家イトウシンタロウを主宰とする、「個性的な女子」をフィーチャーした作品制作を行う団体です。東京都の劇場を中心に、台北など海外でも舞台作品の発表をしています。また「本物高校生vs偽物高校生」と題してプロの俳優と高校生が共同で作品制作を行うWS公演を独自に開催するなど、中高校生を対象とした普及活動にも努めています。The group is led by playwright Shintaro Ito and produces productions featuring “unique girls”. They have presented their stage productions mainly at theaters in Tokyo, but also in Taipei and other foreign countries. The group also strives to promote its activities to junior and senior high school students by holding its own WS performances, in which professional actors and high school students collaborate on productions under the title of “real high school students vs. fake high school students.
受賞歴 Awards
●2014年「女子と算数」で佐藤佐吉演劇祭2014+「八洋特別賞 最優秀チャレンジ賞」「優秀宣伝美術賞」を受賞。●2015年「表現の自由よりも大切なこと、あるいは無害な芸術の話『ロリコンのすべて』」で佐藤佐吉演劇賞2015にて、全団体中最多となる6部門「優秀脚本賞」「優秀主演女優賞」「最優秀音響賞」「優秀照明賞」「優秀舞台美術賞」「最優秀宣伝美術賞」を受賞。
●2016年 東京芸術劇場アトリエイーストにて展示発表した「いきなり魔王」(イトウシンタロウ=企画&シナリオ&ディレクション)でティラノゲームフェス2016準グランプリ[優秀賞]を受賞、同時期に日英ゲーム翻訳コンテスト「LocJAM JAPAN」課題作品にも選抜される。11月に上演した「量子的な彼女」では藤本紗也香が佐藤佐吉演劇賞2016にて「優秀主演女優賞」を受賞
●2014 – “Girls and Arithmetic” received the “HACHIYO Special Award for Best Challenge” and “Excellent Advertising Art Award” at the Sakichi Sato Theatre Festival 2014+ for “Girls and Arithmetic”.
●2015 – Received the “Best Screenplay Award,” “Best Leading Actress Award,” “Best Sound Award,” “Best Lighting Award,” “Best Stage Design Award,” and “Best Advertising Art Design Award” in six categories, the most among all groups, at the Sakichi Sato Theatre Award 2015 for “All About Lolicon,” a story about something more important than freedom of expression, or harmless art.
●2016 – “Ikinari Maou” (planned, scenario, and directed by Shintaro Ito), which was exhibited and presented at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space Atelier East, won the Tyrano Game Fest 2016 Semi-Grand Prix [Excellence Award], and at the same time was selected for the Japanese-English game translation contest “LocJAM JAPAN”. Sayaka Fujimoto won the “Best Leading Actress Award” at the Sakichi Sato Theatre Award 2016 for “Quantum Girlfriend” performed in November.
直近の海外上演歴 Recent Overseas Performances
●大稻呈国際芸術節2019(ダダオチェン国際芸術祭@台北)「Are you really a girl from the 1920s?」など。● Dadaocheng International Arts Festival 2019 (Dadaocheng International Arts Festival at Taipei), “Are you really a girl from the 1920s?” etc.
メディア掲載 Media Coverage
■雑誌 journal▼劇作家イトウシンタロウの月イチ・執筆修行日記!/「えんぶ」2020年4月号掲載 | |
※次回公演に向け、真冬の滝行や4日間の執筆カンヅメ合宿等に赴くイトウの様子をセルフレポートした記事です。(同号掲載の「えんぶチャート2019」には、前年に行われた公演の「暴力先輩」や「本物高校生vs偽物高校生」に加え、それらの出演俳優たちがランクインし掲載されています。) |
▼大稻埕国際芸術節(ダダオチェン国際芸術祭in台北)参加レポート/「えんぶ」2020年2月号掲載 | |
※2020年1/9発売の「えんぶ2月号」に掲載された「NICE STALKER IN TAIWAN セルフレポート」記事です。2019年10月に台湾の大稻埕国際芸術節(ダダオチェン国際芸術祭)でやったNICE STALKER 初の海外上演の特集記事がカラー4頁で載っています!「台湾に縁もゆかりもない、中国語どころか英語もロクに話せない」自分たちが、どうして台湾で演劇をすることになったのか。冗談みたいな本当の話をまるっと載せていただきました。 |
▼エンカケ エンゲキ×ナゾカケ/シアター情報誌「カンフェティ」2020年5月号掲載 | |
※3名のエンカケ人(ナゾカケをする演劇人)が「演劇」と4月のトレンドワードをかけ合わせたナゾカケを掲載するコーナーに、イトウが登場、掲載されました。(ちなみに、お題は編集部から出された固定の内容です。) |
▼「自分にも社会にも多様性を」イトウシンタロウ・インタビュー/「えんぶ」2019年12月号掲載 | |
※多様性やポリティカル・コレクトネスをテーマとした2019年の本公演「暴力先輩」の特集紹介記事として、同号最多ページの全8ページで特集していただきました。作品テーマについてのイトウへのインタビューの他、主演二人の対談、出演者や舞台写真の紹介等が掲載されています。 |
▼【イトウシンタロウ特集】ロングインタビュー6ページ(+公演紹介)/「えんぶ」2017年8月号掲載 | |
※2017年7/9発売の「えんぶ8月号」に掲載されたイトウシンタロウのロングインタビュー記事です。作家・演出家としてのイトウのスタートから現在に至るまでの経緯や、内面について、4時間以上に渡るインタビューから超ページの記事にしていただきました。あわせて直近の公演「1999の恋人」の作品や出演者紹介等も掲載されています。(過去の記事ですが、電子版ならまだAmazon等で購入できるようです。) |
舞台写真 staged photograph
主な活動歴 Main Activity History
※過去公演の記録、舞台写真、アンケート全文を【⇒こちら】で公開しています●2014年、団体名義を正式に「NICE STALKER」として佐藤佐吉演劇祭2014+に参加し「女子と算数」を上演。全てのステージに定員を超える観客が来場し、現在でも再演を望む声が多く聞かれる、ナイスストーカーの代表作となっています。同作で「八洋特別賞 最優秀チャレンジ賞」「優秀宣伝美術賞」を受賞。
●2017年5月に下北沢 駅前劇場に進出し「1999の恋人」を上演、動員記録を更新。また批評家・HEAD代表の佐々木敦氏をゲストに招いたアフタートークイベントも開催。夏秋期には、兵庫県明石市での高校生合同合宿のWS講師、山梨県の高校演劇地区大会にて審査員等、高校演劇界でも活動。
●2019年1月、現役高校生と大人の俳優が、高校演劇界の名作である畑澤聖悟 作「修学旅行」を競演する実験公演「本物高校生vs偽物高校生」を開催。「本物の俳優」が演じる「偽物の高校生」と、現役高校生の演技のどちらが、より「高校生らしいか」を問う企画性が話題となり、チケットは全席完売。教育関係者、および多くのメディアに取り上げられました。9月には多様性とポリティカル・コレクトネスをテーマとした新作長編「暴力先輩」を発表、団体の最高傑作とも評され、「えんぶ」誌上では8ページの特集記事で紹介されました。また10月には台湾の大稻埕国際芸術節(ダダオチェン国際芸術祭in台北)に参加し短編を上演、初の海外進出公演を果たしました。
● In 2014, the group officially changed its name to “NICE STALKER” and participated in the Sakichi Sato Theatre Festival 2014+, performing “Girls and Arithmetic”. The play has become NICE STALKER’s signature work, with audiences exceeding capacity at every stage and many still requesting a repeat performance. The same work won the “HACHIYO Special Award for Best Challenge” and the “Excellent Advertising Art Award.
● In 2015, he held the story-branching play “As God Says 2: Summer Night Dreams Super Express,” in which the audience decides the development of the play by real-time voting from their own smartphones and cell phones. The voting system was developed together with programmers, and after an actual test performance called a beta test performance, the full-length play was performed at Theater Fushikaden. Various projects, including a 1,000,000 yen ticket that multiplied the voting rights by 100 times, attracted attention as an event and were covered by many media, including Theater Book and Theater Guide.
● The 2015 performance “”All About Lolicon,” a story about something more important than freedom of expression, or harmless art.” won six categories at the “Sato Sakichi Theater Award 2015,” the most among all groups that performed at Oji Little Theater at the end of the previous year. The response from the audience was so great that the March 2016 issue of Theater Buku featured a four-page feature article on the production, making it an epoch-making work for the group.
● In 2016 July , the group held an exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre’s Atelier East to showcase the results of its activities to date, and also made its past scripts into open IPs, which attracted much attention. It won the semi-grand prize. In November of the same year, the performance “Quantum Girlfriend” presented a unique work titled “New Honkaku ☆ Science Theatre,” in which the lead actress Sayaka Fujimoto won the “Outstanding Leading Actress Award” at the “Sato Sakichi Theatre Award 2016.
● In 2017 May, the company expanded to Shimokitazawa Ekimae Theatre to perform “1999 no Koibito (Lovers of 1999),” breaking attendance records. It also held an after-talk event with critic and HEAD representative Atsushi Sasaki as a guest. In the summer and fall, he was a WS instructor at a joint camp for high school students in Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture, and a judge at a regional high school theater competition in Yamanashi Prefecture, among other activities in the high school theater world.
● In 2018 August, he performed again at Shimokitazawa The Suzunari with his masterpiece “All About the Pedophile,” a story about what is more important than freedom of expression or harmless art. It broke the record for the highest attendance. The after-talk featuring Taro Yamada, former member of the House of Councillors and representative of the Association for the Protection of Freedom of Expression, was a hot topic of conversation.
● In 2019 January, an experimental performance “Real High School Students vs. Fake High School Students” will be held, in which current high school students and adult actors will perform “Shugaku Ryoko” by Seigo Hatazawa, a masterpiece of the high school theater world. The performance became a topic of discussion because it asked which was more “high school”: the “fake high school” performance by the “real actors” or the performance by the current high school students. In September, “Violent Senpai,” a new feature film about diversity and political correctness, was released and was described as the group’s best work, and was featured in an 8-page feature article in “Enbu” magazine. In October, the group participated in the Dadaocheng International Arts Festival in Taipei, Taiwan, where it performed a short piece, marking its first overseas performance.
● In 2020 April The company’s new full-length work, “Speculative Fiction! which was scheduled to be performed, was suddenly postponed due to the “state of emergency” declared after the Corona disaster. While the date of the postponed performance remained undecided, we held an online event to accept “advance reservations” and suspended performance activities for a time, promising to resume performances with audiences.
● In 2021 December, “Speculative Fiction! which was canceled the previous year, at the same venue and with the same cast and crew. It was the first performance in two years. This performance marked the revival of the group’s creative activities that had been interrupted by the pandemic.
● In September 2022, the theater company staged its first work-in-progress performance of a foreign classic, “A New Translation of ‘Aware She is a Whore’ Work-in-Progress,” in which Shintaro Itoh performed a newly translated version of the play written by John Ford in 17th century England.
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